Self-love challenge

What would someone who love themselves do?

This is the question Teal Swan (who calls herself spritual calatyst) states helps you reach enlightenment quicker. Initially my reaction was how could that be the quickest way to enlightenment when there are so many ways and even those who practice sadhana intensely may not get there. However, I can see why this is a very difficult question. The answer to this question will require you to face your authentic self with all its demons, beauty, love and pain. Knowing your true self I assume would get you closer to the ultimate truth.

Currently, i’m loving my work. It makes me feel alive and there is finally passion in my life. The work is challenging and I feel like I can make a difference. There is positive energy around me and they respect and value me. I don’t have to fight to proof myself. However, I feel guilty for enjoying work as it takes time away from my daugher. I’m tired when I get home and mentally i’m stuck thinking about work. In this context, what would I do if I loved myself? I think I want to do both and to find the right balance. I crave love and connection with people. I seem to be searching for it in adults while I hadn’t recognised that I have it in front of me. Unconditional love and connection with this little person.

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