Flare up

I seem to be having flare-up of my auto-immune conditions the last two weeks. It was triggered by some emotional ‘flare-ups’ following a heated argument. Work has been busy and stressful as well. All seem to have led to feeling extremely fatigued, headache, sore throat and others. I was home last tuesday and was in bed all day. It was the same today. Sometimes I wonder if i should be on my own when I am feeling like this as I had headache, dizziness and ended up vomiting. One thing that’s new is, nerves in my hand are swollen and hurts so much. I think i will be taking tomorrow off as well. Sometimes, i find going to work is better as I can talk to people and forget about all the pain. I have only spoken to my dad and my daughter today. Pain is such a personal experience, on one else could understand it.

Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life” Angelina Jolie

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